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February 2021 Music Notes Newsletter

Writer's picture: encoremusicstudiosencoremusicstudios

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Encore Students, Families, and Staff,

Welcome to Leah Amarosa, our newest piano teacher! She has a passion for music theory. We wish her the best in her applications for graduate study. We are tremendously excited that Leah has agreed to lead and teach a new weekly Group Music Theory and Aural Training Class beginning in March. We will offer 3 levels of study and students will be able to graduate from one level to another. First, we need to take the temperature of the interest level in this new opportunity and approximately how many students will take advantage of it. We are considering Monday evening from 7:00-8:00 pm, some weekday afternoon from 4:15-5:15pm, and Saturdays from 2:00-3:00pm. We will accept a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 12 per class. These classes will take place in our classroom at our 2732 Sawbury Blvd. 43235 location where we have an AirOasis Filteration and Ultraviolet Light System to eliminate contagions. The students who will benefit most from these classes are those that have high academic interest, those who desire a well-rounded music education, students who wish to compose music, and those who are wanting to further their study of music and are interested in studying music in college. There is an Advanced Placement Music Program for the advanced level that prepares the student for the college level AP Music Exam. The beginning level class will strengthen and broaden a student's music theory understanding and make him/her more fluent in key musical concepts which will contribute to a feeling of confidence for the student. The mid-level class will nurture a more complete musicianship for each student and help with hearing and playing music, improvising music, and will give more tools for describing various genres of music. The monthly tuition for this weekly, 60-minute course is $80, or $20 per hour class. However, current students who study privately will receive a $30 discount and the monthly tuition will be $50 or $12.50 per hour class. Family discount applies if siblings take the class together - the 2nd sibling receives a further $20 discount. It is an excellent opportunity for Encore students to double the education value of the Encore experience. Please e-mail

with the student's name and class time(s) mentioned that work for you. More to follow!

We are also launching in March a Group Strings Enrichment Class lead by Aaron Schwartz, one of our violin teachers.

Summary for Group Strings Enrichment Class:

Overall goal/theme: Practice thinking outside the box through improv and playing with others.

Each class will have this overarching theme while learning new techniques not typically taught in the classical repertoire.

Things we’ll learn: improvising in various styles (bluegrass/jazz/free), how to play with others (how to lead and follow each other without a “leader” like a conductor), reading and understanding chord symbols, reading and understanding a song chart, going outside of your comfort zone when it comes to performing in front of people, chopping/other extended techniques, listening and imitating because so much can be learned from listening and trying to imitate performers, and also just learning new and fun tunes in different styles.

Focus: Free improvisation to get the students comfortable with playing whatever is in their heads, and then refining it as we go. The same fee structure applies to this class as mentioned for the Music Theory and Aural Training Class. These classes will take place in our classroom at our 2732 Sawbury Blvd. 43235 location where we have an AirOasis Filteration and Ultraviolet Light System to eliminate contagions. It is an excellent opportunity for Encore students to double the education value of the Encore experience. If interested, please e-mail with the student's name and class time(s) that work for you. More to follow!

Also new is a Group Guitar Enrichment Class lead by Ricky Feria, one of our guitar teachers.

This class promises to be engaging and fun. These classes will take place in our classroom at our 2732 Sawbury Blvd. 43235 location where we have an AirOasis Filteration and Ultraviolet Light System to eliminate contagions. It is an excellent opportunity for Encore students to double the education value of the Encore experience. The same fee structure applies to this class as mentioned for the Music Theory and Aural Training Class. If interested, please e-mail with the student's name and class time(s) that work for you. More to follow!

Development of the new Encore Music Studios website is continuing. We still project the publish date sometime in February. We appreciate students and parents submitting glowing reviews! If you are so inclined to help us in this way, please let Brad know by texting 614-882-6681 and he will e-mail you links for the review sites! Thank you to all who have liked and followed The Columbus Academy of Music and Encore Music Studios on Facebook.

Thank you for your continued dedication to music education and enrichment!

Brad Allen, Director

Encore Music Studios

The Columbus Academy of Music

The Westerville Academy of Music




We have been Growing Musical Legacies One Heart at a Time™ and providing Excellence, Enthusiasm, and Enrichment in Music Lessons since 1980. Over these 40+ years, we have served 2900+ families and provided 150,000+ music lessons in the Greater Columbus Area. We are comprised of University Music Professors, Professional Musicians, Music Education Teachers, Radio Personalities, and College Graduates.

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Hours (by appointment)

Mon–Thu 2pm to 9pm, Fri 2pm to 7pm, Sat 10 to 2pm



623 Park Meadow Rd Ste A, Westerville, OH 43081


2732 Sawbury Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235

Copyright © 2025 Encore Music Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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