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September 2018 Music Notes Newsletter

Bradley Allen

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Encore Music Studios' Family,

While the 2018-2019 School Year has begun and Summer makes clear that it isn't going to leave just yet, our attention at Encore Music Studios turns to our Autumn Recitals. We are once again blessed to have secured the outstanding Church of the Master facilities for the Saturday, November 17th Recitals. Thanks, Kitty! Recital start times are 10:00 am and 11:45 am and they will each last a little over an hour. Refreshments will once again be provided in the Atrium after group photos thanks to our talented volunteer group of bakers! Please make every effort to participate as these are umatched, free opportunites for performance experience in a friendly and supportive setting. Also it provides the teachers and students the time to focus on 1 or 2 musical selections in order to refine and perfect them. More recital details will follow! Some students are starting on their recital music this week!

A hearty(get it?!) welcome to Harrison Belew, guitar teacher, Abby Wagner, viola and violin teacher, and Leslie Horn, flute and bassoon teacher for joining the academic ranks of Encore Music Studios in August!

Some of you may have a noticed that my wife purchased a few new art and activity items for both lobbies to the the young ones busy. Thanks Helen!

As always, thank you to each of you who make Encore Music Studios an excellent and enthusiastic place to grow and enrich our musical abilities!

Brad A., Director

Encore Music Studios




We have been Growing Musical Legacies One Heart at a Time™ and providing Excellence, Enthusiasm, and Enrichment in Music Lessons since 1980. Over these 40+ years, we have served 2900+ families and provided 150,000+ music lessons in the Greater Columbus Area. We are comprised of University Music Professors, Professional Musicians, Music Education Teachers, Radio Personalities, and College Graduates.

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Hours (by appointment)

Mon–Thu 2pm to 9pm, Fri 2pm to 7pm, Sat 10 to 2pm



623 Park Meadow Rd Ste A, Westerville, OH 43081


2732 Sawbury Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235

Copyright © 2025 Encore Music Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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